Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Passerelle Mornay

Passerelle de Mornay, Port de l'Arsenal (Bassin de l'Arsenal), Paris

Passerelle Mornay
Port de l'Arsenal (Bassin de l'Arsenal)
4th-12th arrondissement
Paris, July 2002

“The Bassin de l'Arsenal (also known as the Port de l'Arsenal) is a boat basin in Paris. It links the Canal Saint-Martin, which begins at the Place de la Bastille, to the Seine, at the Quai de la Rapée. A component of the Réseau des Canaux Parisiens (Parisian Canal Network), it forms part of the boundary between the 4th and the 12th arrondissements. It is bordered by the Boulevard Bourdon on the 4th (westerly) side and the Boulevard de la Bastille on the 12th (easterly) side. From the 16th century until the 19th, an arsenal existed at this location. The arsenal accounts for the name of the basin and the name of the neighborhood, Arsenal, bordering the westerly (4th arrondissement) side of the basin.” (Bassin de l'Arsenal, Wikipedia)

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